This year, like every year, has been a whirlwind of life. I took a moment this morning and took a count of how many orders I had over this past year. It came out to 154 cakes and 50 dozen cupcakes. I've had wedding cakes, birthday cupcakes, grand opening celebrations, and more on the book. Thank you for your continued support and I can't wait to see what 2023 holds.
I recently was invited by my friend and neighbor, Grier Rubeling, to attend the National Gingerbread Competition in Asheville NC. Grier has entered in the past and placed 2nd overall last year in the adult category. Her submission piece last year consisted of 12 nutcrackers and a reindeer! This year she entered a fire breathing dragon defending her eggs against a Santa knight and his elves. The 3 days we were there were filled amazing people, immense talent, and was chocked full of Christmas spirit staged by the Omni Grove Park Inn. Below are some of the top 10 finalists and some of my favorite pieces.
December 2024