"Unprecented, never before, new normal"...are just phrases I don't like anymore. I haven't updated my blog since February. And like everyone else, things have been insane here at the Pixie household. My kitchen has been overran with school assignments, a post-it note task center, and Lego creations. Virtual school, class video conferences and online karate classes is our "new normal". For a few weeks as school was shutting down, all of my cake orders (understandably) canceled. And the few ones that maintained course and just adjusted to a smaller serving were tweaked in design as our craft stores have opened and closed here and materials are coveted. But here are a few cakes from early March to share as we still figure out this crazy mess we are in. A Moana inspired cake above and a Wings of Fire, Tsunami dragon, below And of course we can't forget about the Duck and Goose cake we delivered!
December 2024